Page 3 panel 1. The title To Look floats in front of the forehead of Curio our protagonist. Panel 2 and 3. Curio is still sitting quietly in the desert and they are now staring at their hands. Panel 4. Curio makes the middle finger gesture with each hand looks surprised by it. Panel 5. Curios squints at the in skepticism at their hands. Page 4 pane 1. Two figure sand in the dessert observing Curio. The caption box floats above both of them that says The Chorus. The first figure wearing a mask with an X symbol on it says How rude! They have a caption box floating over that that says The Tyler. The second figure wearing a bask with a bell symbol it responds Perhaps but the curios one doesnt know yet what the gesture means. They have a caption over them that says The Orator. Panel 2. The scene pans out reaving a third figure sitting on the ground in front of the Tyler and the Orator looking at an animal on the ground. They are wearing a mask with a leaf symbol on it and have a caption floating above them that says The Steward. They say I love turtles! The Orator responds I believe that is a star tortoise.