Yo! Free Pizza
Comic strips about the fantastic adventures of Buddy and Pal hastily drawn on sticky notes in an undisclosed cubicle. No guarantees or refunds. Buyer's remorse expected.
Format: Comic strip
Genre: General Humor
Rating: G to PG for occasional toilet humor and butts

To Wander
Sci-fi comics either about wandering as a metaphor of self discovery or just a naked alien stumbling around a desert.
Format: Serialized short stories
Genre: Science fantasy
Rating: PG-13 to R for Barbie doll naked aliens and suggestive clothing

Bootleg Comix
Superhero parody comics featuring dubious characters such as Great Guy, Demon Dame, and Dagger Dude. Questionable morals and deeds abound.
Format: Episodic single page and multi page comics
Genre: Superhero parody
Rating: PG-13 to R for crude humor, violence, and butts

Wonder & Weary
Existential crises, llama muggings, and life observations.
Format: Single panel
Genre: Absurd Humor
Rating: PG-13 for Implied violence and crude humor

Inappropriate Puppet Theater
Comic strips about puppet people with crippling anxiety, puppets with questionable advice, and other topics that will surly disappoint my father.
Format: Comic strip
Genre: Absurd puppet humor
Rating: PG-13 for cartoon violence and social commentary

After Hours
Classic 2000s office webcomic humor, right?
Format: Webcomic
Genre: Office Humor
Rating: PG-13 to R for adult conversations and psychological horror

Not A Typewriter
Format: In progress Graphic novel
Genre: Science fiction
Rating: PG-13 for possibly triggering themes of body dysmorphia and mental health.

Where I keep my one-shots, standalone, and artistic comics.
Format: Comic anthology zine
Genre: All of them
Rating: G to R for nonsensical imagery to potentially upsetting imagery.

Slumberland Nap
The adventures of Jules, Nibs, and Tipp over Slumberland and beyond.
Format: Serialized and episodic short stories
Genre: Surreal/Fairytale fantasy
Rating: PG for depictions fantastical peril and dangerous situations.

Saturday Tales
The pastel adventures of timid witches, confused aliens, and curious surfers contending with menacing monsters, first dates, and paying bills.
Format: In progress graphic novel and short stories
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: PG for Funny animal characters, magic, monsters and running jokes about clowns

Merfolk Barbarian
Barbarian comics about a merfolk wanders the desolate drylands searching for somewhere to call home after some dick peed in their pond.
Format: Episodic short stories
Genre: Science fantasy
Rating: PG-13 to R for crude humor, butts, cursing, blood and violence